Books and Relationship

tumblr_m8e6br4wY41qg74owHave you ever been in love? Have you gotten into a relationship where in you felt happy and inspired all the time? They say that love is the most important element in our lives for it provides us a source of happiness and satisfaction.

As a high school student, do you consider getting into a relationship more significant than focusing on your studies? To sum it up, do you think love is a hindrance to your education? In my point of view, our studies should be our main priority before anything else.

According to my impulse, education is more important for a student. It must be the leading priority of a teenager for them to achieve a certain goal in life. Getting involved into a relationship can be detrimental to our studies.

Psychology experts stated that relationships are most likely malign to our education simply because it can lessen our study time. Instead of reviewing your lessons and doing your assignments, you are more concentrated and willing to talk with your partner.

Allotting more time with your mobile phones than with your books is very unproductive for a student. Specifically, too much attachment with one another might be the dominant cause of receiving a low grade.

One example is staying up late every night. Your mind might be preoccupied causing you to be destructed in your classes.

While on the other hand, admiring someone isn’t bad unless it leads you to hindrance. All of us should be aware on how important education in our lives is. 

Education is beneficial to our lives for it gives us enough knowledge that we need in order to attain a good future. We should all take the right path and learn to concentrate on our studies before anything else.

Now, ask yourself. Have I already perceived how important education is? Always keep in mind that love can wait and it happens in a right time. According to Laila Gifty, “There is a time for everything. As you sow, may you have the patience to wait for your harvest”. tumblr_inline_mkyuqqIn141qz4rgp